Founder, Friso van Reesema, and his family on one of their Going Dutch box bikes.
We have a true passion for biking.
Founded by a Dutchman, it's no wonder the desire to see families enjoying a bike-friendly lifestyle is the core mission behind Going Dutch Bikes.
Sensei Alan, Bike Mechanic and fellow Guru Owner, builds, reviews and tunes all bikes with his 30+ years of experience and passion for bikes.
Open Positions
Bike Mechanic
Do you love bikes? Do you like to build, tinker and fiddle with bikes until they run perfectly? Do you appreciate expert craftsmanship and Dutch engineering? (Okay, that might be a bit much, but it certainly helps)
Can-do Attitude
Experience in a bike shop or fixing bikes
Cyclcist yourself
flexible schedule
Sales Associate
Do you love to bike? Do you like to tell people about your love for biking? Do you own multiple bikes? Are you a family guy or gal or live in a village?
Can-do Attitude
Tremendous self-confidence
Flexibility and patience towards the struggles endemic to a startup
2 years sales experience